Roblox Dislike Bot Download

Aug 13th, 2015

Thanks for watching guys! Like the video and subscribe for more!No injector needed for this exploit.This works for Windows and Mac and runs almost completely. Bloxlink has more features than any other Roblox bot, and is constantly updated to ensure stability. With over 3M+ users already verified with Bloxlink, it's likely that your group members are already verified. Say!help for a list of commands. Say!setup to set-up your server with Bloxlink. Say!bind to start the process of linking your Roblox. As we’ve seen in the past few years on many websites, Botting has grown into a large issue. On Roblox especially we’ve seen how Bots are now one of the biggest, if not THE biggest threat to both new users & developers. Roblox is still yet to of responded to concerns about this issue with possible solutions or changes in attempt to combat them - instead Developers & users have lost several.

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  1. Group PM bot:
  2. var Arri = []
  3. __doPostBack('ctl00$cphRoblox$rbxGroupRoleSetMembersPane$dlUsers_Footer$ctl02$ctl00',')
  4. $('#ctl00_cphRoblox_rbxGroupRoleSetMembersPane_GroupMembersUpdatePanel > > > > > .Name >').each(function(){
  5. var f = $(this).attr('href').replace('../User.aspx?ID=',')
  6. Arri.push(f)
  7. }
  8. {
  9. subject : 'Hey there, send me a trade!',
  10. body : 'Send on all of my items, over 25K in limiteds! I am upgrading and downgrading, but if I am downgrading you must OP. The only thing I am not trading at the moment are my Breezekreig Adventurers.',
  11. cacheBuster : new Date().getTime()
  12. console.log('Sent message to ' + username + '.')
  13. }
  14. i++;
  15. },10000)
  16. Arri.length = 0
  17. NextPage()
  18. Check()
  19. },103000)
  20. Check()
  21. var RandomPosts = ['lolkool','uhhh sure!','my name is roooobot']
  22. function Post(){
  23. $.get('' + ForumId,function(Data){
  24. var Link = $(Data).find('.linkSmallBold')[4].href
  25. Link = '' + Link.replace('',')
  26. var VS = Data.match(/id='__VIEWSTATE' value='(.+)'/)[1]
  27. var EV = Data.match(/id='__EVENTVALIDATION' value='(.+)'/)[1]
  28. '__VIEWSTATE' : VS,
  29. 'ctl00$cphRoblox$Createeditpost1$PostForm$PostSubject' : 'Re: -',
  30. 'ctl00$cphRoblox$Createeditpost1$PostForm$PostBody' : RandomPosts[Math.floor((Math.random() * RandomPosts.length) + 1)],
  31. 'ctl00$cphRoblox$Createeditpost1$PostForm$PostButton' : 'Post'
  32. })
  33. }
  34. var Interval = setInterval(function(){
  35. },40000)
  36. ---------------------------------
  37. Forum Bot #2:
  38. var ThreadId = prompt('What thread Id would you like to bump?')
  39. var BumpTimes = prompt('How many times would you like to bump this thread?')
  40. var OnBump = 0
  41. var Link = '' + ThreadId
  42. $.get(Link,function(Data){
  43. var VS = Data.match(/id='__VIEWSTATE' value='(.+)'/)[1]
  44. var EV = Data.match(/id='__EVENTVALIDATION' value='(.+)'/)[1]
  45. '__VIEWSTATE' : VS,
  46. 'ctl00$cphRoblox$Createeditpost1$PostForm$PostSubject' : 'Re: -',
  47. 'ctl00$cphRoblox$Createeditpost1$PostForm$PostBody' : OnBump,
  48. 'ctl00$cphRoblox$Createeditpost1$PostForm$PostButton' : 'Post'
  49. })
  50. Post()
  51. if (OnBump BumpTimes){
  52. }
  53. OnBump++
  54. Comment Bot:
  55. var Comment = 'Send trades on over 25K in limiteds! Accepting and countering all trades!'
  56. var PageOn = 1
  57. function Go(){
  58. var BaseLink = ''
  59. for (var Object in Data){
  60. var Id = Data[Object]['AssetId']
  61. $.get('' + Id).always(function(Data){
  62. var Token = Data.match(/setToken(W(.+)W);/)[2].replace(/'/g,')
  63. Token = Token.replace('+','%2B').replace('/','%2F')
  64. $.post('' + Id + '&token=' + Token,Comment)
  65. }
  66. }
  67. PageOn++
  68. PageOn = 0
  69. Go()
  70. }
  71. $.ajax({
  72. type : 'POST',
  73. data : '{'statustype':'inbound','startindex':0}',
  74. contentType : 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
  75. var Base = jQuery.parseJSON(jQuery.parseJSON(Data.d).Data[0])
  76. var Partner = Base['TradePartnerID']
  77. $.get('/My/Money.aspx',function(Data){
  78. Token = Data.match(/setToken(W(.+)W);/)[2].replace(/'/g,')
  79. Token = Token.replace('+','%2B').replace('/','%2F')
  80. $.post('/Trade/TradeHandler.ashx?token=' + Token,{TradeID : TradeId,cmd : 'pull'},function(Data){
  81. var Base = jQuery.parseJSON(
  82. if (Number(Base[0].AgentID) Number(Partner)){
  83. }
  84. var SelfVal = Base[Other 0 && 1 || 0]['OfferValue']
  85. if (OtherVal/3 > SelfVal){
  86. $.post('/Trade/TradeHandler.ashx?token=' + Token,{TradeID : TradeId,TradeJSON:TradeJSON,cmd : 'maketrade'})
  87. POST()
  88. })
  89. })
  90. POST()
  91. ---------------------------------
  92. var ID = 5981119
  93. $.post('',{
  94. body : 'UMAD!',
  95. cacheBuster : new Date().getTime()
  96. PM()
  97. }
RAW Paste Data
Apr 6th, 2020

Roblox Dislike Bot Download Free


Roblox Dislike Bot Download Roblox

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Roblox Dislike Bot Download Pc

  1. local TextBox ='TextBox')
  2. ChatBypass.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild('PlayerGui')
  3. ChatBypass.ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling
  4. TextBox.Parent = ChatBypass
  5. TextBox.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  6. TextBox.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  7. TextBox.Size =, 0, 0.100000001, 0)
  8. TextBox.ClearTextOnFocus = false
  9. TextBox.PlaceholderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(178, 178, 178)
  10. TextBox.Text = '
  11. TextBox.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  12. TextBox.TextSize = 14.000
  13. TextButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  14. TextButton.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  15. TextButton.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDropdownButton
  16. TextButton.Text = 'X'
  17. TextButton.TextScaled = true
  18. TextButton.TextStrokeColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  19. TextButton.TextWrapped = true
  20. localfunction PHLLGL_fake_script()-- TextBox.LocalScript
  21. local script ='LocalScript', TextBox)
  22. local box = script.Parent
  23. focused = true
  24. focused = false
  25. local bypassedAlphebet = {
  26. ['b'] = 'ٴٴb',
  27. ['d'] = 'ٴٴd',
  28. ['f'] = 'ٴٴf',
  29. ['h'] = 'ٴٴh',
  30. ['j'] = 'ٴٴj',
  31. ['l'] = 'ٴٴl',
  32. ['n'] = 'ٴٴn',
  33. ['p'] = 'ٴٴp',
  34. ['r'] = 'ٴٴr',
  35. ['t'] = 'ٴٴt',
  36. ['v'] = 'ٴٴv',
  37. ['x'] = 'ٴٴx',
  38. ['z'] = 'ٴٴz'
  39. local msgChars = string.split(msg,')
  40. for i,v in pairs(msgChars)do
  41. bypassedMsg = bypassedMsg..bypassedChar
  42. bypassedChar = bypassedChar:upper()
  43. end
  44. box.Text = bypassedMsg
  45. wait()
  46. box.CursorPosition = string.len(box.Text)+1
  47. end
  48. game:GetService('UserInputService').InputBegan:Connect(function(k)
  49. bypass(box.Text)
  50. end)
  51. coroutine.wrap(PHLLGL_fake_script)()
  52. localfunction OTFF_fake_script()-- TextButton.LocalScript
  53. local script ='LocalScript', TextButton)
  54. -- game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().Icon = 'rbxassetid://4563813357'
  55. script.Parent.MouseEnter:Connect(function()
  56. -- game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().Icon = 'rbxassetid://4563813357'
  57. game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().Icon = '
  58. script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function()
  59. end)
  60. coroutine.wrap(OTFF_fake_script)()