All too often I see many people having problems with the Action Replay and Animal Crossing and not getting the help they need to AVOID corrupting town(s) in the first place. Fruit are common items that grow from fruit trees and palm trees in all Animal Crossing series titles. They can be eaten in all games and are sometimes requested by villagers. Each town starts with one of five types of fruit as its native fruit: Apples, Oranges, Cherries, Pears, or Peaches. There is a 20% chance for the town to have any given native fruit. Native fruits sell for 100 Bells, but. Note: After using an Action Replay code to receive an item, equipping, wearing, or placing it in your house, can cause serious problems (unusable space in house, etc.). You can avoid this by placing the item on the ground, then picking it up. The item with problems will be fixed.
Give a Scallop Seashell to Pascal to get the Golden Axe. Note: This requires some trading. Start by purchasing a Red Turnip from Joan. Trade it to Wendel for a Turban or Country Guitar when he appears in town. If Wendel gave you a Turban, trade it to Sahara for a Massage Chair or Red Vase when she comes to town. If Sahara gave you a Massage Chair, trade it to Tortimer on the next holiday to get the Scallop Seashell.
Golden Bug NetCatch one of each type of bug to get the Golden Bug Net.
Golden Fishing RodCatch one of each type of fish to get the Golden Fishing Rod.
Golden ShovelBury a regular shovel in the ground. When dug up after 24 hours, it will be a Golden Shovel.
Golden SlingshotShoot fifteen items out of the sky and a Golden Slingshot will appear in the sky. Shoot it down to collect it.
Golden RosesAnimal Crossing Wild World Action Replay All Fruit Codes 2019
Plant red roses next to one another until black roses appear. Use the Golden Watering Can to water dying black roses and they will appear as golden the next day.
Golden TimerGet the Golden Axe, Golden Bug Net, Golden Fishing Rod, Golden Shovel, Golden Slingshot, and Golden Watering Can. Then, Tortimer will give you the Golden Timer.
Golden Watering CanKeep the environment perfect for sixteen consecutive days to get a Golden Watering Can from Pelly or Phyllis.
Museum ModelDonate the most items to the museum by the time it is completed to get a Museum Model.
PaperSuccessfully complete the indicated tasks to unlock the corresponding paper, which cannot be bought or found:
Academy: Sign up with the HRA. When they send your scores, it will be on the Academy Paper.
Bottle: Buy a bottle and paper from Tom Nook, then write a letter in the bottle and throw it into the ocean. The reply that you get will be on Bottle Paper.
Formal: Win a special event (for example, a tournament). The note accompanying your prize will be on Formal Paper.
Fox: After becoming a Crazy Redd tent member, his weekly password will arrive on Fox Paper.
Insurance: Buy accident insurance from Lyle. After you need to use the insurance, your settlement will arrive with a note written on Insurance Paper.
Nook: Order an item from Tom Nook's catalogue. Your order will be accompanied with a letter on Nook Paper.
Snowman: Make a snowman, and the gift that it sends you will be accompanied with a note written on Snowman Paper.
Town Hall: Deposit money in your Post Office bank account. The monthly statements are written on Town Hall Paper.
Donate the indicated amount of Bells to Boondox to get the corresponding reward:
- 10,000 Bells: Green Feather
- 200,000 Bells: Blue Feather
- 500,000 Bells: Yellow Feather
- 800,000 Bells: Red Feather
- 1,100,000 Bells: Purple Feather
- 1,400,000 Bells: White Feather
- 6,400,000 Bells: Rainbow Feather
Get the indicated number of HRA points to win the corresponding reward:
- One story house model: 70,000 points
- Two story house model: 100,000 points
- Mansion model: 150,000 points
Pay back the indicated amount of debt to get the corresponding upgrade for your house:
- First house expansion: 19,800 Bells
- Second house expansion: 120,000 Bells
- Upstairs room: 298,000 Bells
- Left room: 598,000 Bells
- Right room: 728,000 Bells
- Back room: 848,000 Bells
Get acorns at the Acorn Festival, then give Cornimer the indicated number of acorns to get the corresponding Mush furniture piece:
- Mush Bed: 170 Acorns
- Mush Chair: 40 Acorns
- Mush Closet: 80 Acorns
- Mush Dresser: 60 Acorns
- Mush End Table: 10 Acorns
- Mush Lamp: 25 Acorns
- Mush Stand: 100 Acorns
- Mush Stool: 5 Acorns
- Mush Table: 120 Acorns
- Mush TV: 140 Acorns
Save the indicated amount of Bells at the Post Office to get the corresponding reward:
- Box of Tissues: 1,000,000 Bells
- Pelly's Picture: 100,000,000 Bells
- Phyllis' Picture: 500,000,000 Bells
- Piggy Bank: 10,000,000 Bells
- Town Hall Model: 999,999,999 Bells
Connect to the houses of four friends and give Tom Nook 50 fossils. You will get a whistle that calls Kapp'n; he will take you to Animal Crossing Island. -From: ellichan
Mr. Resetti's homeRestart the game at least two times to have Mr. Resstti appear. Then, use a shovel to hit all the rocks until one cracks. Hit that rock again, then enter the hole that appears to find Mr. Resetti's home.
Tom Nook's homeGo to the back of Tom Nook's shop between 12:00 and 2:00 p.m. Use a shovel to hit the back wall three times, then hit the front entrance once to be able to enter and see Tom Nook in pajamas with a teddy bear.
Tom Nook's store progressionThe following are the expansions for Tom Nook's store and how to obtain them:
Nook's Cranny: Available at start.
Nook 'n Go: Buy 25,000 Bells worth of merchandise.
Nookway: Buy 65,000 Bells worth of merchandise.
Nookingtons: Buy 240,000 Bells worth of merchandise and have a visiting friend buy something from Tom Nook. Note: This version of the store includes a hair salon.
Buy as many things as possible in Tom Nook's store. Not only will his selection get bigger, but you will get points for every purchase. Get enough purchases to become a member. Keep spending at Tom Nook's store to accumulate PIM points, and rewards at the following levels:
- 300 PIM points: Nook's Cranny model and store membership
- 3,000 PIM points: Nook' n Go model and 5% discount
- 10,000 PIM points: Nookway model and 10% discount
- 20,000 PIM points: Nookington's model and 20% discount
Save your game and then go to your phone. Select 'Reset Clock' and change the date for Tom Nook to have all new furniture in his store.
Restock itemsBuy an item from Tom Nook or the Able sisters, then change the system date forward or back in time. Then, return to the same day you purchased the item and it will be restocked as if you never bought it.
Alternate inventory backgroundFind a pattern that you like on a shirt. Drag the shirt over the invisible space on the lower left corner of the touchscreen and drop it there. Alternatively, go to the patterns section of your inventory. Select a desired pattern, then drag it to a similar invisible space in the lower left corner of the touchscreen and drop it there.
Writing bulletin board message for Tom NookWhen you have to write the bulletin board message for Tom Nook, you can type just one letter and he will accept it to be there.
Become friends with BlathersTalk to Blathers when he looks sad to find out that he does not like bugs. Keep talking to him on consecutive days until he is done talking about his phobia.
Become friends with BrewsterKeep buying coffee from Brewster at the café every day until he begins taking to you in a more friendly manner.
Become friends with CelesteTalk to Celeste at the observatory every day and tell her 'You're cute' until she begins talking to you more.
Become friends with SableGo in the Able Sisters store, then find Sable near the sewing machine and talk to her every day until she starts being friendly.
Picture of SaharahGet all carpet and wallpaper from Saharah. She will then give you a gift, which is a picture of her.
New haircuts stylesGet a haircut from Harriet on consecutive days until you have had all six of them. The next day, get another haircut from her and she will offer the haircut styles for the gender opposite that of your character.
4-Leaf CloverA 4-Leaf Clover may randomly appear with weed patches that are dug up. They can be used as a bookmark in your house or as a hair accessory.
Big Dot ShirtGo to the pattern page, then select a design and drag it to the bottom left hand corner. Look at your pockets and a Big Dot Shirt will be there.
Birthday CakeSomeone in your town will give you a Birthday Cake when the game is played on your birthday.
Balloon presentsBalloon presents always arrives when the time ends in a '4' and the wind is heard.
CoconutsLook on your beach each day to sometimes find a Coconut.
Jacob's Ladder flowerGet your town to 'Perfect' status from Pelly or Phyllis. Then, one Jacob's Ladders flower will appear at random somewhere in your town while it is in 'Perfect' status.
Party PoppersSpeak to Tortimer on New Year's Eve to get Party Poppers.
Roman Candles and SparklersTalk to Tortimer during the Fireworks Show to get Roman Candles and Sparklers.
Snowman furnitureIn the winter, find the two snowballs in your town. Roll them to a medium size, then stack the snowballs by walking one into the other one at the bottom left of your town. If you make the snowman in the most extreme lower right square, and make him perfectly, you will be awarded two Snowman furniture instead of one.
Free furnitureSometimes when you go to the Town Hall, the recycling box may have furniture that you need. The lost and found at the Main Gate also may have free items. Talk to Booker, the dog on the left, to get to the lost and found.
Choose room colorThe color of the room in your first house is the same as the Nintendo DS menu color when you move into it. You can choose any color desired by first changing the Nintendo DS menu color before moving in.
Getting moneyBuy a fishing rod or bug net. If catching fish, keep the fish if they are rare or at least worth 1,000 Bells. If not, throw it back. You can also collect seashells of the same value. If catching bugs, catch them by listening to their sounds or watch for their colors. You can also look for treasure and many other things to collect money.
Easy moneyGo to the bank and access your account. Save all the money you have into the account. Save the game and turn off the DS. Change the date to ten years later and your money will go up, depending on how much is in there. It usually goes up 99,999 Bells.
Put any amount of money into your savings account that is over 50,000 Bells. Then, change the system date to the year 2099. Resume the game and you will have a letter in the mail thanking you for keeping money in the account, and that they have added 99,999 Bells to it. Repeat this process as much as desired to get a lot of money, but note that you will receive a lot of weeds. Note: This works better if you change the system date to the year 2000, then play the game and save. Then, change the system date to the year 2099.
Change the system date to January 1st to get mail from your Mom with 10,000 Bells.
At 12:30 on any day, walk along the beach shore and look for fruit. Any fruit you find along the shore will be worth 500 Bells. Additionally, keep hitting rocks with an axe or shovel until finding a special one that gives a bag of Bells. Keep hitting the rocks until the bags stop appearing. Note: This only happens once per day.
Dig up fossils in your town. Have Blathers check them, then sell them to Tom Nook. Many are worth up to 2,000 Bells.
Use the Golden Shovel to bury money. It may grow into a tree that will grow Bells, depending on how much money was buried.
Animal Crossing Wild World Action Replay All Fruit Codes Fandom
Take your Golden Shovel and dig in random spots. Eventually you will dig up 100 Bells.
Animal Crossing Wild World Action Replay All Fruit Codes List
Find a star on the ground and dig it up with your shovel, then sell it to Tom Nook. If it is a fossil, talk to the museum owl. Make sure you do not donate it, even when he asks if he can keep it. Sell it to Tom Nook for a few thousand Bells.
Go to an online friend's town and pick their fruit and plant it in your town to make more money from the fruit when it grows. Additionally, to get more money for fruit, go to your friend's town. Instead of only 100 Bells you will get 500 Bells.
Plant fruit from another town in your town (not your native fruit). Keep planting them until you have an orchard (fifty or more trees). You should have your pockets empty when you go to collect them (to maximize efficiency). After your pockets are full, sell then to Tom Nook for 500 Bells each. You can get 7,500 Bells for each pocketful of fruit.
When Joan the turnip peddler comes to your town (every Sunday morning), ask her if she has Red Turnips. If she sells them to you, plant them right away. Water them every day for a week, and dig them up on Saturday. They will sell at Tom Nook's shop for 16,000 Bells.
Shake trees until a hive of bees appear. Then, take out your net and catch them. Each bee is worth 4,500 Bells.
Get a Fishing Rod and fish at the ocean around night time when it snows or rains. When you see a giant fish shadow, it will be a living fossil fish, worth 15,000 Bells.
Go to the beach every day and look for shells. Do not bother picking up the Sand Dollars, Dall Tops, Venus Combs, or anything else worth less then 500 Bells. Just pick up the shells called 'White Scallop' and 'Pearl Oyster'. They are the rarest kind. Also when you check, you might find a Coconut at the beach shore, or a Otter (sailor), and he might give you some random furniture.
Take out your shovel and hit rocks with it until it spits out Bells. Keep hitting it, as it can go up to 20,000 Bells. If you want to get all the Bells, dig three holes away from the rock, and hit it. This will push you back but you will still hit the rock because the holes are there.
Get a coconuts and bury them. After five to seven days, they will become trees. Shake them, and you will get more of that fruit. Sell them to Tom Nook for 500 Bells.
Get a fruit that is not native to your town. Plant it and go ahead in time. Bury those fruits you find and go ahead in time again. Repeat this as much as desired, then sell all the fruit.
Easy fruitSend a letter to a villager with a gift in it and they may send you fruit. Most of the time the fruit is not native to your town; plant it for even more money.
Easier fishing and bug catchingWalk when fishing, and creep when catching bugs.
Entering Crazy Redd's tentTo enter Crazy Redd's tent you must give a password the first time and become a member. You can usually find the password by talking to some of the villagers.
Crazy Redd's passwordsUse the indicated responses to access Crazy Redd's tent:
- Ask and you shall: Be charged
- An open wallet: Is often empty
- Bottom dollar: Top dog
- Crazy Redd: Is 35
- Even robbers: Have safes
- Fan in one hand: Cash in other
- Foot in the door: Eye on prize
- For my fans: Shop here again
- Get an education: Or win it big
- Give 2 cents: Ask for change
- Head in the sand: Find something
- Hot and cold: Money makes it
- I'm all alone: But I have cash
- Life expectancy: Redd is 35
- Look at people: Wallets full
- Look back: What did you miss
- No money: Means no fun
- Roses have: High prices
- Rough childhood: Lax adulthood
- Spoiled rotten: Bean curd
- Talk is cheap: So is Redd
- The grass is greener: On my side
- The pen: Is cheaper
- Tom Nook: One ugly fellow
- What smells?: Bean curd.
- What's inside: Is fabulous
- When the cat's gone: Mice shop
- Why buy the cow: Buy milk here!
Go up to an item and press A. Crazy Redd will tell you how much it costs. If there is a thought bubble over his head, and he says it 'is a very nice item', 'it took ol' Redd a long time to get his hands on that!', 'a lot of wheeling and dealing', 'when it comes to items for Crazy Redd's family, I won't stop 'til I get it!', or 'I'm gonna offer it to you for only [number] Bells!', then the item is fake. Pay attention, because after he says these lines he will only say he had another cousin eyeing it. If an item seems very cheap, such as a few thousand Bells (for example, 2,800), then the item is probably fake. Note: This may not work if you do not buy the membership, because Crazy Redd only calls you family if you buy it. The membership is worth the 3,000 Bells.

Buy a painting from Crazy Redd, then immediately check the catalog at Nook's shop. If the painting is listed in it, give it to Blathers to be appraised. If the painting is not listed in the catalog, it is a forgery. Sell it to Tom Nook instead of getting it appraised first, which will lower the selling price.
Lyle selling Accident InsuranceLyle will be outside your door every Saturday, trying to sell you insurance until you buy it. After that, if you ever trip, fall in a hole, or get stung by a bee, the next day he will send you 100 Bells for each accident.
Finding items in rocksIf one of your neighbors is staring at a rock, there usually is something in it (for example, a Pill Bug).
Selling itemsWhen you try to sell items back to Tom Nook or Mabel they will only give you 25% of the original price.
Stop animals from movingTalk to animals when they are in their house, and their things are in boxes. Keep chatting until they say something like, 'I'll have to think this over...' or 'Maybe I should stay...' This works well with Mabel (the bear) or Ribbot (the robotic frog).
Keeping animals in their homesGo to the gate then ask Copper to open them for DS to DS visitors. After the gates are open, all animals in your town will be in their homes, making deliveries and looking inside their houses easier.
Keeping turnips longerTo keep turnips longer then a week, put them on top of a table inside your house. They will stay fresh until you find a good price to sell them. Note: You must surround the part of the table with items before you drop the turnips so that the turnips do not go on the floor. It is recommended to put 100 turnips on each spot so that you can get more on the table.
Curing bee stings without medicineWhen you get a bee sting, go home, then go up to the attic and sleep. Turn off the Nintendo DS, then turn it back on. Mr. Ressetti will not appear, and the sting should be gone.
Changing timeIf you change the system time to certain extremes you will be punished by nature. When you resume your game, there will be hundreds of weeds everywhere which will take a long time to clear. The only upside is that you may find a four leaf clover.
Gulliver's appearance timesAnimal Crossing Wild World Action Replay All Fruit Codes Free
Gulliver always flies above your town at 32 minutes past the hour, at any hour.
Making someone angryTo make someone in your town mad at you, walk into them for a long period of time and push them around. If done correctly, they will become mad and steam will shoot out of the top of their head. They will not remain mad for too long, however.
GameCube referenceBuy the Pink Box. On the top shelf of the box is an Indigo GameCube with a controller. There are a few GameCube games on the bottom shelf.
Legend Of Zelda series referencesGo to a neighbor's house that has the Kiddie set of furniture. This is the set with the floor that looks like puzzle pieces. Find the long dresser that takes up two squares. Press A or tap yourself while facing it to open the drawer. A message box will pop up, reading 'You found 10 rupees! Lucky! Too bad you can't use them in this town.' Additionally, in the back of Katrina's tent is a trident.
Mario referencesGet a Pinball Machine, then zoom in and place it so that it is facing away from you while you are facing down. Look carefully at the designs. You can see Mario on the bottom part and the Mushroom Kingdom on the top part.
Occasionally in the clothes shop they will sell a Luigi hat. It is called 'Lil Bro's Hat'.
Mario Bros. referenceIn Pierce's (the buff blue eagle) room, open the refrigerator. The text 'What are Luigi's clothes doing in here?' will appear.
The Arcade Machine (Furniture) has a picture of the Mario Bros. on it, fighting.
Tortimer referenceGo to the Post Office and talk to Pelly at the Civics part. If you look at the background, you can see a bit of Tortimer's face behind a counter.
EventsBug-Off: Every third Sunday in June-September from 12:00 Noon to 6 p.m.
Fireworks Show: Every Saturday in August from 7 p.m. to 12 p.m.
Fishing Tourney: Every third Sunday in January, March, May, November, and December from 12:00 Noon to 6 p.m.
Flower Fest: Second week of April.
- Bug trophy: Catch the biggest bug in the Bug-Off.
- Fish trophy: Catch the biggest fish in the Fishing Tourney.
- Flower trophy: Create the best garden in the Flower Fest.
To get the Flower trophy easily and defeat all the competition in your town, plant lots of Purple and Black colored flowers. These flowers are rare, and Tom Nook does not sell them. To get them, go around your town and look for them growing. They will grow randomly once a week. When you find one, pick it and put it in your dresser. When it is time for the Flower Fest, take the collection from your dresser and make your entire garden out of them to win the contest and receive the Flower trophy.
SongsGo to Town Hall, talk to Pelly in the right booth, and select 'Town Tunes'. To play the following songs, lower case letters indicate low notes, capital case letters are higher octave notes.
Come As You Are by Nirvana
a a b c _ f c f c c b a G a a z
The Exorcist theme
d _ e _ c d _ f _ G _ e f _ d
Imperial March from Star Wars
e e e cge cge
In The End by Linkin Park
d A _ A _ f _ e _ e _ e _ e f d
Jingle Bells
e e e z e e e z e g c d e _
Jurassic Park theme
C B C _ g _ f _ C B C _ g _ f _
The Legend Of Zelda theme
A _ e _ _ A A B C D E _ _ z z z
Mary Had A Little Lamb
E D C D E E E [little screaming face] D D D [srceaming face] E G G Z
Mortal Kombat theme
a a c a d a e d _ c c e c f c g f
The Simpsons theme
F_ _ A _ G _ D C _ _ A_ F_ D
Super Mario Bros. theme
e e _ e _ c e _ G _ _ z g z z z
Zelda Forest song
F A B _ F A B E D _ B C B G e _
Bolero Of Fire from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
f d f d A f A f
Epona's Song from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
D B A _ D B A
Minuet Of Forest from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
d D B _ A B A or d D B A B A
Nocturne Of Shadow from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
C _ B B d B A f
Prelude Of Light from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
D A _ D A B D
Requiem Of Spirit from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
d _ f _ d _ A f d
Saria's Song from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
f A B _ f A B
Serenade Of Water from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
d _ f _ A _ A _ B or d f A A B
Smoke On The Water by Deep Purple
g _ a _ b _ _ g _ a _ c b _ _
Song Of Storms from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
d f D _ d f D
Song Of Time from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
A e f _ A e f
Sun's Song from from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
A f D _ A f D
YMCA by The Village People
e _ _ d _ e d z z d _ _ c _ d c
Zelda's Lullaby from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
B D A _ B D A
To gain Feung Shei, or luck, place certain colored items in certain spaces of your house.
- Yellow: East
- Red: West
- Green: South
- Blue Bed
- Blue Table
- Classic Sofa
- Snowman TV
- Flying Saucer
- Lunar Lander
- Striped Cone
- Steam Roller
- Cement Mixer
- Judge's Bell
- Picnic Table
- Sprinkler
- Elephant Slide
- Oil Drum
- Mama Bear
- Samurai Suit
- Bow
- Screen
- Sword
- Jukebox
- Cash Register
- Jasmine Bonsai
- Lucky Gold Cat
- Lefty Lucky Cat
- Lucky Cat
- Tea Vase
- Flowery Painting
- Rare Painting
- Common Painting
- Gold Stereo
- Hi-Fi Stereo
- Phonograph
- Gold Econo-Chair
- Mountain Bike
- Bug Trophy
- Fish Trophy
- Flower Trophy
- Mummy's Casket
- Pyramid
- Sphinx
- Alarm Clock
- Odd Clock
- Kayak
- Basic Yellow Bed
- Pineapple Bed
- Clothes Closet
- Diver Dan
- Candle
- Portrait
- Mush Bed
- Mush Stand
- Mush Table
- Mush TV
- Rocket
- Handcart
- Jackhammer
- Iron Frame
- Orange Cone
- Traffic Cone
- Detour Arrow
- Saw Horse
- Red Corner
- Sandbag
- Tiki Torch
- Barbecue
- Lawn Mower
- Garden Gnome
- Dolly
- Red Drum
- Haz-Mat Barrel
- Giant Dharma
- Dharma
- Mini-Dharma
- White Golf Bag
- Clear Model
- Red Armchair
- Red Sofa
- Apple TV
- Maple Bonsai
- Quince Bonsai
- Red Vase
- Metal Guitar
- Nice Painting
- Metronome
- Trash Bin
- Stove
- Red Boom Box
- Daffodil
- Gerbera
- Snowboard
- Pagoda
- Red Clock
- Campfire
- Lantern
- Basic Red Bed
- Bonfire
- Life Ring
- Fire Hydrant
- Extinguisher
- Candy Machine
- Doghouse
- Gas Pump
- Miniature Car
- Sleigh
- Stool
- Executive Toy
- Vacuum Cleaner
- Green Bed
- Green Bench
- Green Chair
- Green Counter
- Green Desk
- Green Dresser
- Green Lamp
- Green Pantry
- Green Table
- Green Wardrobe
- Ranch Armchair
- Ranch Couch
- Ranch Tea Table
- Robo-Lamp
- Cactus
- Desert Cactus
- Tall Cactus
- Round Cactus
- Bird Bath
- Train Set
- Ship Cannon
- Green Drum
- Baby Panda
- Deer Scare
- Green Golf Bag
- Green Lava Lamp
- Hospital Bed
- Pear Wardrobe
- Pear Dresser
- Grapefruit Table
- Lime Chair
- Azalea Bonsai
- Hawthorn Bonsai
- Holly Bonsai
- Mugho Bonsai
- Ponderosa Bonsai
- Pine Bonsai
- Iris Chair
- Iris Table
- Froggy Chair
- Lily-Pad Table
- Mugho Bonsai
- Rock Guitar
- Aloe
- Caladium
- Coconut Palm
- Corn Plant
- Dracaena
- Weeping Fig
- Lady Palm
- Pachira
- Fan Palm
- Pothos
- Rubber Tree
- Snake Plant
- Retro Fridge
- Washer/Dryer
- Jade Econo-Chair
- Billiard Table
- Mahjong Table
- Tennis Table
- Festive Tree
- Big Festive Tree
- Sleeping Bag
- Basic Green Bed
- Book's Cranny
- Nookway
- Museum Model
- Table Lamp
- Clothesline Pole
- Fan
Red or yellow
- Apple Clock
- Throne
- Music Box
Red or green
- Watermelon Chair
- Watermelon Table
- Tulip Chair
- Tulip Table
- Bromeliaceae
- One-Story Model
- Two-Story Model
- Mansion Model
Yellow or green
- Melon Chair
- Lemon Table
- Daffodil Chair
- Daffodil Table
- Sunflower
- Glow Clock
- Treasure Chest
- Tea Set
The following items are lucky no matter where you place them in your house:
- G Logo
- Hinaningyo
- Luigi Trophy
- Mario Trophy
- Angler Trophy
- Fishing Trophy
- Spring Metal
- Autumn Metal
- Samurai Suit
- Tanabata Palm
- Treasure Chest
- Tissue Box
- Dracaena
- House Model
- Manor Model
- Post Model
- Mailbox
- Piggy bank
- Festive Tree
- Big Festive Tree
- Birthday Cake
- Bug Trophy
- Dracaena
- Flower Trophy
- Garden Gnome
- Ivory Piano
- Jack-in-the-Box
- Lefty Lucky Cat
- Lovely Phone
- Lucky Black Cat
- Lucky Cat
- Lucky Gold Cat
- Music Box
- Piggy Bank
- Portrait
- Racoon Figurine
- Samurai Suit
- Treasure Chest
- Washer/Dryer
The following is a complete list of fish, their location, times to catch them, and their selling price:
Angelfish: 3,000 Bells; river (rare) May to October, morning, evening, night.
Arapaima: 10,000 Bells; river (rare) July to September, morning, evening, night.
Arowana: 10,000 Bells; river (rare) June to September, morning, evening, night.
Barbel Steed: 200 Bells; river all year, all day.
Barred Knifejaw: 5,000 Bells; ocean (rare) March to November, all day.
Bitterling: 900 Bells; river November to February, all day.
Black Bass: 300 Bells; river all year, all day.
Blue Gill: 120 Bells; river all year, noon.
Blue Marlin: 10,000 Bells; ocean (rare) July to Sept, all day.
Carp: 300 Bells; river all year, all day.
Cat Fish: 800 Bells; pond May to October, morning, evening, night.
Char: 3,800 Bells; waterfall Mar to June and September to November, morning, evening.
Cherry Salmon: 1,000 Bells; river March to June and September to November, morning, evening.
Clownfish: 650 Bells; ocean April to September, all day and May to August, noon.
Coelacanth: 15,000 Bells; ocean during rain or snow (rare) all year, morning , evening, night.
Craw Fish: 250 Bells; holding pond April to Sept, all day.
Crucian Carp: 120 Bells; river all year, all day.
Dab: 300 Bells; ocean October to April, all day.
Dace: 200 Bells; river all year, morning, evening, night.
Dorado: 15,000 Bells; river (rare) June to September, morning, noon, evening.
Eel: 2,000 Bells; river June to Sept, morning, evening, night.
Football Fish: 2,500 Bells; ocean (rare) November to March, morning, evening, night.
Freshwater Goby: 300 Bells; river (rare) all year, morning, evening, night.
Frog: 120 Bells; holding pond May to August, all day.
Gar: 6,000 Bells; pond (rare) June to September, morning, evening, night.
Giant Snakehead: 5,500 Bells; pond July to August, noon.
Gold Fish: 1,300 Bells; river (rare) all year, all day.
Guppy: 1,300 Bells; river (rare) April to November, noon.
Hammerhead Shark: 8,000 Bells; ocean (rare) June to September, all day.
Horse Mackeral: 150 Bells; ocean all year, all day.
Jelly Fish: 100 Bells; ocean August, all day.
Killifish: 300 Bells; holding pond (rare) April to August, all day.
King Salmon: 1,800 Bells; river (rare) September, all day.
Koi: 2,000 Bells; river (rare) all year, morning, evening, night.
Loach: 300 Bells; river March to May, all day.
Ocean Sunfish: 4,000 Bells; ocean (rare) April to September, morning noon, evening.
Octopus: 500 Bells; Ocean September to January and March to July, all day.
Olive Flounder: 800 Bells; Ocean (rare) all year, all day.
Pale Chub: 200 Bells; river all year, noon.
Piranha: 2,500 Bells; river (rare) June to September, noon, night.
Pond Smelt: 300 Bells; pond December to February, all day.
Popeyed Goldfish: 1,300 Bells; river (rare) all year, all day.
Puffer Fish: 240 Bells; ocean July to September, all day and August, all day.
Rainbow Trout: 800 Bells; river March to June and September to November, morning, evening.
Red Snapper: 3,000 Bells; ocean all year, all day.
Salmon: 700 Bells; river September, all day.
Sea Bass: 160 Bells; ocean all year, all day.
Sea Butterfly: 1,000 Bells; ocean December to February, all day.
Seahorse: 1,100 Bells; ocean April to November, all day and May to September, noon.
Shark: 15,000 Bells; ocean (rare) June to September, morning, evening, night.
Squid: 400 Bells; Ocean December to Aug, all day.
Stringfish: 15,000 Bells; river (rare) December to February, morning, evening, night.
Sweetfish: 900 Bells; river July to September, all day.
Tuna: 7,000 Bells; ocean (rare) November to March, all day.
Yellow Perch: 240 Bells; river October to March or November to February, all day.
Zebra Turkey Fish: 400 Bells; ocean April to November, all day and May to September, noon.
Note: Most items are available in Tom Nook's store or Redd's tent.
Boxing theme
- Ringside Table, Boxing Barricade, Judge's Bell, Weight Bench, Red Corner, Blue Corner, 2 Neutral Corners, Boxing Mat, Speed Bag, Sandbag
- Wallpaper: Ringside Seating
- Flooring: Boxing Ring Mat
Construction theme
- Iron Frame, Wet Roadway Sign, Orange Cone, Traffic Cone, Striped Cone, Jackhammer, Saw Horse, Detour Arrow, Handcart, Manhole Cover, Cement Mixer, Steam Roller
- Wallpaper: Blue Tarp
- Flooring: Closed Road
Mad Scientist theme
- Medicine Chest, Lab Chair, Amazing Machine, Complex Machine, Lab Bench, Florence Flask, Unknown Machine
- Wallpaper: Lab Wall
- Flooring: Lab Floor
Mossy Garden theme
- Bird Feeder, Bug Zapper, Picnic Table, Birdhouse, Hammock, Tiki Torch, Backyard Pool, Barbecue, Lawn Chair, Mr. and Mrs. Flamingo, Sprinkler, Garden Gnome, Lawn Mower, Bird Bath
- Wallpaper: Backyard Fence
- Flooring: Backyard Lawn
Nursery theme
- Rocking Horse, Cradle, Wobbelina, Elephant Slide, Baby Bed, Dolly, Train Set, Clackercart, Merry-Go-Round, Stroller
- Wallpaper: Playroom Wall
- Flooring Playroom Rug
Pirate theme
- Helm, Ship Compass, Barrel, Anchor, Keg, Ship Cannon
- Wallpaper: Sea View
- Flooring: Ship Deck Note: Available only through Pascal.
Space theme
- Flying Saucer, Lunar Rover, Asteroid, Satellite, Space Station, Moon, Rocket, Lunar Lander, Spaceman Sam, Space Shuttle
- Wallpaper: Lunar Horizon
- Flooring: Lunar Surface
Western theme
- Western Fence, Storefront, Cow Skull, Tumbleweed, Saddle Fence, Wagon Wheel, Watering Trough, Well, Desert Cactus, Covered Wagon
- Wallpaper: Western Vista
- Flooring: Western Desert
Go to The Roost cafe in the basement of your museum on Saturday nights between 8:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight and talk to K.K. Slider. You can have him pick a song for you or you can request a song. He also gives the song to you if desired. These are all of his songs:
- Agent K.K.
- Aloha K.K.
- Cafe K.K.
- Comrade K.K.
- DJ K.K.
- Forest Life
- Go K.K. Rider
- I Love You
- Imperial K.K.
- K.K. Aria
- K.K. Ballad
- K.K. Blues
- K.K. Bossa
- K.K. Calypso
- K.K. Casbah
- K.K. Chorale
- K.K. Condor
- K.K. Country
- K.K. Cruisin'
- K.K. D & B
- K.K. Dirge
- K.K. Dixie
- K.K. Etude
- K.K. Faire
- K.K. Folk
- K.K. Fusion
- K.K. Gumbo
- K.K. Jazz
- K.K. Lament
- K.K. Love Song
- K.K. Lullaby
- K.K. Mambo
- K.K. Marathon
- K.K. March
- K.K. Metal
- K.K. Ragtime
- K.K. Rally
- K.K. Reggae
- K.K. Rock
- K.K. Rockabilly
- K.K. Safari
- K.K. Salsa
- K.K. Samba
- K.K. Ska
- K.K. Song
- K.K. Soul
- K.K. Steppe
- K.K. Swing
- K.K. Tango
- K.K. Technopop
- K.K. Waltz
- K.K. Western
- King K.K.
- Lucky K.K.
- Marine Song 2001
- Mountain Song
- Mr. K.K.
- My Place
- Neapolitan
- Only Me
- Pondering
- Rockin' K.K.
- Senor K.K.
- Soulful K.K.
- Steep Hill
- Surfin' K.K.
- The K. Funk
- To the Edge
- Two Days Ago
Note: The Forest Life song is the theme from the original Animal Crossing on the GameCube. The Go K.K. Rider song is music from Mario Paint.