Roblox Rb World 2 Hacks


This page is about the codes in RBW2 because jokes added them then he released RBW2 out of BETA. Expired: Independence - Free American Hoodie Active: freekoins - 2000 koins. Roblox RB World 2 Beta Aimbot Script Back. AIMBOT AND FLY HACKS (RB World 2) I beat his 87 streak?? Beating Minecraft the Way Mojang Intended It.

Jan 1st, 2018
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  1. remotes = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').gameplay
  2. _G.accuracy = 99 -- Accuracy; 99 Makes it in almost always; 100 is always a green;
  3. print('Press f to shoot! nPress q to toggle accuracy between 99 and 100!')
  5. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(k)
  6. if _G.accuracy 99 then
  7. elseif _G.accuracy 100 then
  8. end
  9. end
  10. if k G.key then
  11. if v.Name 'Basketball' then
  12. if v.controller.Value game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then
  13. local oncourt = 'Court'..tonumber(game.Players.LocalPlayer.System.OnCourt.Value)
  14. local onhoop = '_Hoop'..tonumber(game.Players.LocalPlayer.System.OnTeam.Value)
  15. remotes.character.value:FireServer('shooting', true)
  16. if game.Workspace[oncourt]:FindFirstChild(onhoop) then
  17. v.shoot:FireServer(game.Workspace[oncourt][onhoop], _G.accuracy, true)
  18. elseif game.Workspace[oncourt]:FindFirstChild('_Hoop1') then
  19. v.shoot:FireServer(game.Workspace[oncourt]['_Hoop1'], _G.accuracy, true)
  20. end
  21. end
  22. end)

Roblox Rb World 2 Hack Script Drop Ball

Oct 29th, 2017
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Roblox Rb World 2 Hack Script 2019

  1. save=3,
  2. koins=90000000000000,
  3. upgrades={dunk={max=16, current=0},
  4. steal={max=16, current=0},
  5. freethrow={max=16, current=0},
  6. ['2pointer']={max=16, current=0},
  7. handles={max=16, current=5},
  8. postscorer={max=16 current=0},
  9. speed={max=16 current=3},
  10. movingshot={max=16, current=0},
  11. park_onanimations={},
  12. jumpshots={'Starter Jumpshot 1', 'Starter Jumpshot 2', 'Starter Jumpshot 3'},
  13. pants={'Grey Joggers'},
  14. layups={'Starter Layup 1', 'Starter Layup 2'},
  15. park='eastside',
  16. currentexp=90000,
  17. customjumpshots={},
  18. position='SG',
  19. skills={
  20. defense=99,
  21. jump=99,
  22. shotcontest=99,
  23. ['3pointer']=99,
  24. layup=99,
  25. ballspeed=99,
  26. passing=99
  27. strength=99
  28. maxexp=100,
  29. },
  30. dunk='698187843', park_onanimations={},
  31. hat2={meshid=“129577903', textureid='1079900846', name='Reox', pos={y=0.011, z=0.031}},
  32. layup={name='Starter Layup 1', idr='696678129', idl='696677707'},
  33. weight=260,
  34. shoes={name='RB Generics', shoetype='MidShoe', idr='945506326', idl='945506326'},
  35. hat={meshid='419427988', textureid='1079900846', name='Reox', pos={y=0.011, z=0.031}},
  36. gender='Male',
  37. haircolor='Brown',
  38. shothand='R',
  39. jumpshot={name='Starter Jumpshot 1', shot='697217666', jump='697208867'},
  40. hair={meshid='419427988', pos={y=0, z=0},name='Bald',size={y=0, x=0, z=0}}
  41. upgrading=1
  42. maindata={
  43. name=game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name,
  44. id=game.Players.LocalPlayer.userId,
  45. league=0,
  46. }
RAW Paste Data

Aimbot Hacks Roblox Rb World 2