Roblox Token Hack Script For All Games

Jul 19th, 2019

It will prompt you to the script execution area, so you will need a script to use the hack. Go to the ExploitPlay website to find the latest, top scripts for all games in roblox. After you’ve picked your favourite script paste the script in the execution box. Now press the “Execute” button and boom! The script should work for the. Lifting simulator roblox hack / script. Click here to get the script. Vehicle simulator roblox hack / script. Click here to get the script.

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  1. ---To use: Say 'kick/playername'
  2. function KickPlayer(name, source)
  3. p = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(name) --find the person who you said to kick
  4. if p nil then return end --If the player is not there, then don't do anything
  5. if name source then return end --sorry, you can't kick yourself. (too bad!)
  6. local KickedPlayer = game.Players:findFirstChild(name) --finds the player to kick
  7. m.Parent = KickedPlayer
  8. m.Text = 'You have been kicked' --gives a message saying you were kicked
  9. m.Parent = nil --removes the message
  10. p.Parent = nil --huh?
  11. function onChatted(msg, recipient, speaker)
  12. --convert to all lowercase (you don't need any capitals)
  13. local source = string.lower(speaker.Name)
  14. if string.match(msg, 'kick/') then --someone has said 'kick/playername'
  15. for i=1, #playerz do
  16. if string.match(msg, string.lower(playerz[i].Name)) then
  17. end
  18. end
  19. newPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(msg, recipient) onChatted(msg, recipient, newPlayer) end)

Roblox Token Hack Script For All Games To Play

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Made By Tsuniox#6400

An OP GUI forRagdoll Engine with the following Features :

Roblox Token Hack Script For All Games Download

  • FIXED * TP GUI : Teleport to players/Common locations
  • Fling Push : Pushes people far
  • Bomb Troll : When ever someone takes out a bomb, they’ll throw it on themselves.
  • Push Troll : When someone takes out their push, they get bombed.
  • No Push Cooldown : Removes the cooldown on your push.
  • No Bomb Cooldown : Removes the cooldown on your bomb.
  • NEW * Fly Keybind : Makes you fly.
  • NEW * Unfly keybind : Makes you stop flying.
  • Walkspeed : Changes your walkspeed.
  • Jump Power : Changes your jump height.
  • Bomb All : Bombs everyone in the server (someone in the server needs to own the bomb gamepass)
  • Crash Server : Crashes the server.
  • Trigger Mines : Triggers all the mines in the minefield.
  • Respawn Fix: Makes you respawn faster. (reset but better)
  • Anti Ragdoll Button : Makes it so you can’t ragdoll. (click it again when after you spawn back)
  • NEW * Map Invisible : Makes the map invisible. (someone in the game needs to own the potion gamepass) | Credit to Cli for this function
  • NEW * Map Fix : Makes the map visible. (someone in the game needs to own the potion gamepass)
  • NEW * Drink Potion R15 : Makes you drink a potion (gamepass not needed , everyone can see it)
  • NEW * Go Invisible : Makes you invisible. (someone in the game needs to own the potion gamepass)
  • NEW * Invisible All : Makes everyone invisible. (someone in the game needs to own the potion gamepass)
  • CTRL + CLICK Bomb : Hold CTRL + Click to spawn a bomb at your mouse location. (no gamepass needed , infinite range)
  • FIXED * Whitelist tab : Whitelist players so they get ignored when you bomb server/bomb troll/push troll/Invisible All. (use the button in the Whitelist tab)
  • FIXED * Targets Tab :Target specific player and only bomb/push troll/bomb troll/make them invisible them. (use the button in the Targets tab)