Animal Crossing: New Horizons design codes are an easy way to import the impressive creativity of others into your game, and enjoy outfits inspired by everything from Star Wars to Napoleon Dynamite.
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- Secret Codes For Animal Crossing New Horizon
You probably already know about K.K. Slider by now. If you don’t, K.K. Slider is an icon in Animal Crossing New Horizons. This dog musician will visit your town every Saturday as long as you have at least a 3-star island rating. Did you know you can request Secret Songs from K.K. Slider in Animal Crossing New Horizons?
Secret Songs in Animal Crossing New Horizons
When K.K. Slider is in town, go speak with him and start-up some dialogue. He will probably ask if you want to see an encore, to which you should respond “I’d love that!” Next, he will ask if you have any specific song requests. Respond by saying, “Gimme that one song.”
A screen will come up with a keyboard where you can choose to select a song. We have a list of Secret Songs in Animal Crossing New Horizons that you probably didn’t know about. Here are some secret song names you can enter on this screen.
K.K. Slider – Animal City
Animal City is from the city mentioned in Animal Crossing: City Folk for the Wii. A lot of people remember playing this game as a kid, so it might bring back some good memories for you!
K.K. Slider – Drivin’
The next two songs are songs you could play in Animal Crossing: New Leaf if you requested an invalid song. They were not songs you could obtain in that game, but you can now request them in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
K.K. Slider – Farewell
K.K. Slider – K.K. Cruisin’
For other Animal Crossing: New Horizons goodies, check out our list of Island Tunes.
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100, 000 dollar fish
in the water for 10 minutes. When ten minutes are up, a tiny fish will start going toward your bobber. Catch it and sell it to Tom Nook. He will pay 100,000 bells for it.
P.S. If your in a contest with some one in your town to see who can catch the rarest fish, do not give it to them! You will win the contest but if you give it to them, they will not give it back!
And in return they'll give you a wallpaper that's worth 150 bells! | Submitted by EatPie
99.999 bells, simple!
1. Collect 20,000 bells you could try selling fruit,bugs and fish or doing errands for other town folk.
2. Put that 20,000 bells in your account, step on red doormat, press access account, then save bells.
3. Save your game.
4. Press power, touch continue, look at the very bottom middle of your screen click that buttom there, click the blue button, then click the calender icon change the date to 2099.
5. Play game for 1 second then save.
6. Change game time back to normal.
7. Look in your letter box.
8. Run to town hall.
9. Withdraw bells ( Step on red doormat, Click access acount, press withdraw bells)
10. You can use these instructions as many times as you want. I used mine to pay my morgage. I hope you spend it wisely! | Submitted by animal-crossing:wild-world-player
Alternate inventory background
Animal Crossing Island
Animal Island/UFO
Become friends with Sable
Bee Catching Hint
Birthday Cake
Boondox Donations
Tip: This cheat is best if you have an AR ( Action Replay ) | Submitted by GameGirlMeganKeidat
Catalog error
And it will only start working, if you reset your entire game. ;-( sniff.
But i have learned of my errors...;-)
So take care!!! | Submitted by Daniel
Changing time
Crazy Redd Password's
An open wallet: Is often empty
Bottom dollar: Top dog
Crazy Redd: Is 35
Even robbers: Have safes
Fan in one hand: Cash in other
Foot in the door: Eye on the prize
For my fans: Shop here again
Get an education: Or win it big
Give 2 cents: Ask for change
Head in the sand: Find something
Hot and cold: Money makes it
I'm all alone: But I have cash
Life exectancy: Redd is 35
Look back: What did you miss
No money: Means no fun
Roses have: High prices
Rough childhood: Lax adulthood
Spoiled rotten: Bean curd
Talk is cheap: So is Redd
The grass is greener: On my side
The pen: is cheaper
Tom Nook: One ugly fellow
What smells?: Bean curd
Whats inside: Is fabulous
When the cat's gone: Mice shop
Why buy the cow: Buy milk here | Submitted by Nova92
Donation rewards
10,000 Bells: Green Feather
200,000 Bells: Blue Feather
500,000 Bells: Yellow Feather
800,000 Bells: Red Feather
1,100,000 Bells: Purple Feather
1,400,000 Bells: White Feather
6,400,000 Bells: Rainbow Feather
Don't Go!
Easier fishing and bug catching
Easy money
Change the system date to January 1st to get mail from your Mom with 10,000 Bells.
At 12:30 on any day, walk along the beach shore and look for fruit. Any fruit you find along the shore will be worth 500 Bells. Additionally, keep hitting rocks with an axe or shovel until finding a special one that gives a bag of Bells. Keep hitting the rocks until the bags stop to appears. Note: This only happens once per day.
Dig up fossils in your town. Have Blathers check them, then sell them to Tom Nook. Many are worth up to 2,000 Bells.
Use the Golden Shovel to bury money. It may grow into a tree that will grow Bells, depending on how much money was buried.
Take your Golden Shovel and dig in random spots. Eventually you will dig up 100 Bells.
Find a star on the ground and dig it up with your shovel, then sell it to Tom Nook. If it is a fossil, talk to the museum owl. Make sure you do not donate it, even when he asks if he can keep it. Sell it to Tom Nook for a few thousand Bells.
Entering Crazy Redd's tent
Fireworks Show: Every Saturday in August from 7 p.m. to 12 p.m.
Fishing Tourney: Every third Sunday in January, March, May, November, and December from 12:00 Noon to 6 p.m.
Flower Fest: Second week of April.
Find Pillis
Angelfish: 3,000 Bells; river (rare) May to October, morning, evening, night.
Arapaima: 10,000 Bells; river (rare) July to September, morning, evening, night.
Arowana: 10,000 Bells; river (rare) June to September, morning, evening, night.
Barbel Steed: 200 Bells; river all year, all day.
Barred Knifejaw: 5,000 Bells; ocean (rare) March to November, all day.
Bitterling: 900 Bells; river November to February, all day.
Black Bass: 300 Bells; river all year, all day.
Blue Gill: 120 Bells; river all year, noon.
Blue Marlin: 10,000 Bells; ocean (rare) July to Sept, all day.
Carp: 300 Bells; river all year, all day.
Cat Fish: 800 Bells; pond May to October, morning, evening, night.
Char: 3,800 Bells; waterfall Mar to June and September to November, morning, evening.
Cherry Salmon: 1,000 Bells; river March to June and September to November, morning, evening.
Clownfish: 650 Bells; ocean April to September, all day and May to August, noon.
Coelacanth: 15,000 Bells; ocean during rain or snow (rare) all year, morning , evening, night.
Craw Fish: 250 Bells; holding pond April to Sept, all day.
Crucian Carp: 120 Bells; river all year, all day.
Dab: 300 Bells; ocean October to April, all day.
Dace: 200 Bells; river all year, morning, evening, night.
Dorado: 15,000 Bells; river (rare) June to September, morning, noon, evening.
Eel: 2,000 Bells; river June to Sept, morning, evening, night.
Football Fish: 2,500 Bells; ocean (rare) November to March, morning, evening, night.
Freshwater Goby: 300 Bells; river (rare) all year, morning, evening, night.
Frog: 120 Bells; holding pond May to August, all day.
Gar: 6,000 Bells; pond (rare) June to September, morning, evening, night.
Giant Snakehead: 5,500 Bells; pond July to August, noon.
Gold Fish: 1,300 Bells; river (rare) all year, all day.
Guppy: 1,300 Bells; river (rare) April to November, noon.
Hammerhead Shark: 8,000 Bells; ocean (rare) June to September, all day.
Horse Mackeral: 150 Bells; ocean all year, all day.
Jelly Fish: 100 Bells; ocean August, all day.
Killifish: 300 Bells; holding pond (rare) April to August, all day.
King Salmon: 1,800 Bells; river (rare) September, all day.
Koi: 2,000 Bells; river (rare) all year, morning, evening, night.
Loach: 300 Bells; river March to May, all day.
Ocean Sunfish: 4,000 Bells; ocean (rare) April to September, morning noon, evening.
Octopus: 500 Bells; Ocean September to January and March to July, all day.
Olive Flounder: 800 Bells; Ocean (rare) all year, all day.
Pale Chub: 200 Bells; river all year, noon.
Piranha: 2,500 Bells; river (rare) June to September, noon, night.
Pond Smelt: 300 Bells; pond December to February, all day.
Popeyed Goldfish: 1,300 Bells; river (rare) all year, all day.
Puffer Fish: 240 Bells; ocean July to September, all day and August, all day.
Rainbow Trout: 800 Bells; river March to June and September to November, morning, evening.
Red Snapper: 3,000 Bells; ocean all year, all day.
Salmon: 700 Bells; river September, all day.
Sea Bass: 160 Bells; ocean all year, all day.
Sea Butterfly: 1,000 Bells; ocean December to February, all day.
Seahorse: 1,100 Bells; ocean April to November, all day and May to September, noon.
Shark: 15,000 Bells; ocean (rare) June to September, morning, evening, night.
Squid: 400 Bells; Ocean December to Aug, all day.
Stringfish: 15,000 Bells; river (rare) December to February, morning, evening, night.
Sweetfish: 900 Bells; river July to September, all day.
Tuna: 7,000 Bells; ocean (rare) November to March, all day.
Yellow Perch: 240 Bells; river October to March or November to February, all day.
Zebra Turkey Fish: 400 Bells; ocean April to November, all day and May to September, noon.
FREE Big Dot Shirt
1. Put a shirt in your inventory.
2. Drag the shirt to the bottom left hand corner.
3. There you go! You have changed the background, and also you have got a big dot shirt!!
You can do this with any shirt to change the background. | Submitted by LilDanDude
Free furniture
Furniture themes
Boxing theme
Ringside Table, Boxing Barricade, Judge's Bell, Weight Bench, Red Corner, Blue Corner, 2 Neutral Corners, Boxing Mat, Speed Bag, Sandbag
Wallpaper: Ringside Seating
Flooring: Boxing Ring Mat
Construction theme
Iron Frame, Wet Roadway Sign, Orange Cone, Traffic Cone, Striped Cone, Jackhammer, Saw Horse, Detour Arrow, Handcart, Manhole Cover, Cement Mixer, Steam Roller
Wallpaper: Blue Tarp
Flooring: Closed Road
Mad Scientist theme
Medicine Chest, Lab Chair, Amazing Machine, Complex Machine, Lab Bench, Florence Flask, Unknown Machine
Wallpaper: Lab Wall
Flooring: Lab Floor
Mossy Garden theme
Bird Feeder, Bug Zapper, Picnic Table, Birdhouse, Hammock, Tiki Torch, Backyard Pool, Barbecue, Lawn Chair, Mr. and Mrs. Flamingo, Sprinkler, Garden Gnome, Lawn Mower, Bird Bath
Wallpaper: Backyard Fence
Flooring: Backyard Lawn
Nursery theme
Rocking Horse, Cradle, Wobbelina, Elephant Slide, Baby Bed, Dolly, Train Set, Clackercart, Merry-Go-Round, Stroller
Wallpaper: Playroom Wall
Flooring Playroom Rug
Pirate theme
Helm, Ship Compass, Barrel, Anchor, Keg, Ship Cannon
Wallpaper: Sea View
Flooring: Ship Deck
Note: Available only through Pascal.
Space theme
Flying Saucer, Lunar Rover, Asteroid, Satellite, Space Station, Moon, Rocket, Lunar Lander, Spaceman Sam, Space Shuttle
Wallpaper: Lunar Horizon
Flooring: Lunar Surface
Western theme
Western Fence, Storefront, Cow Skull, Tumbleweed, Saddle Fence, Wagon Wheel, Watering Trough, Well, Desert Cactus, Covered Wagon
Wallpaper: Western Vista
Flooring: Western Desert
Furniture Themes
Garden of Insects
Get your own statue
Getting money
Give yourself a gift!
Golden Axe
Golden Bug Net
Golden Fishing Rod
Golden Shovel
Golden shovel
Golden Slingshot
Golden Watering Can
Hair Colors
Light-hearted: Blonde
Young: Blue
Fiery: Red-Orange
Flirty: Pink
Radiant: White
Safe: Light Brown
Lush: Green
Mysterious: Brown-Gray | Submitted by aj510
House upgrades
First house expansion: 19,800 Bells
Second house expansion: 120,000 Bells
Upstairs room: 298,000 Bells
Left room: 598,000 Bells
Right room: 728,000 Bells
Back room: 848,000 Bells
How to cheat in flower competion!
Im Rich!!
K.K. Slider
K.K. Slider songs
Agent K.K.
Aloha K.K.
Cafe K.K.
Comrade K.K.
Forest Life
Go K.K. Rider
I Love You

Imperial K.K.
K.K. Aria
K.K. Ballad
K.K. Blues
K.K. Bossa
K.K. Calypso
K.K. Casbah
K.K. Chorale
K.K. Condor
K.K. Country
K.K. Cruisin'
K.K. D & B
K.K. Dirge
K.K. Dixie
K.K. Etude
K.K. Faire
K.K. Folk
K.K. Fusion
K.K. Gumbo
K.K. Jazz
K.K. Lament
K.K. Love Song
K.K. Lullaby
K.K. Mambo
K.K. Marathon
K.K. March
K.K. Metal
K.K. Ragtime
K.K. Rally
K.K. Reggae
K.K. Rock
K.K. Rockabilly
K.K. Safari
K.K. Salsa
K.K. Samba
K.K. Ska
K.K. Song
K.K. Soul
K.K. Steppe
K.K. Swing
K.K. Tango
K.K. Technopop
K.K. Waltz
K.K. Western
King K.K.
Lucky K.K.
Marine Song 2001
Mountain Song
Mr. K.K.
My Place
Only Me
Rockin' K.K.
Senor K.K.
Soulful K.K.
Steep Hill
Surfin' K.K.
The K. Funk
To the Edge
Two Days Ago
List of Bugs
Agrias Butterfly
Atlas Beetle
Banded Dragonfly
Bell Cricket
Brown Cicada
Common Butterfly
Darner Dragonfly
Dung Beetle
Dynastid Beetle
Elephant Beetle
Evening Cicada
Fruit Beetle
Giant Beetle
Goliath Beetle
Hercules Beetle
Jewel Beetle
Lantern Fly
Long Locust
Longhorn Beetle
Migratory Locust
Mole Cricket
Oak Silk Moth
Orchid Mantis
Rainbow Stag
Red Dragonfly
Robust Cicada
Saw Stag Beetle
Scarab Beetle
Stag Beetle
Cheat Codes For Animal Crossing
Tiger ButterflyWalker Cicada
Yellow Butterfly | Submitted by GriffinR
Magic Rock
Make your catalog work again
Buy three '4-packs' letters (stationary)
Write something in the letters. Doesn't matter what, till who, just do it. Send them all.
The next day, your catalog should work... | Submitted by Daniel
Meow Mix Song Town Tune
C-B-A-G-C-B-A-G-C-B-C-D-D-B-A-G | Submitted by SirPainsalot
Mole Cricket
Mr. Resetti's home
Mr. Resseti's house
Never rotting turnips
Nintendo Symbol
No moving!
This has not be confirmed but it might prevent people from moving IN | Submitted by simms
No secret Animal Crossing island
Party Poppers
Restock Tom Nook's store
Revange on the neighbours!
Wack-a-neighbor: If your neighbor has done something to get your mad, just take out your net and walk close to them but not right up to them (you might talk to them) and swing your net at them a couple times they will yell at you and walk away mad.
Push-a-war: If your neighbour had gottan you to go crazy because they beat you in a competition just walk up to them and push them the opposite way they were going, they will scream at you and storm away mad. | Submitted by Daniel.K
Roman Candles and Sparklers
Codes For Animal Crossing Ds
Talk to Tortimer during the Fireworks Show to get Roman Candles and Sparklers.Sale Prices for Insects
Yellow/White Butterfly: 90 Bells
Honeybee: 100 Bells
Mosquito: 130 Bells
Tiger Butterfly: 160 Bells
Darner Dragonfly: 200 Bells
Firefly: 300 Bells
Emperor Butterfly: 2,500 Bells
Agrias/Birdwing Butterfly: 3,000 Bells | Submitted by ChiHinChan
Sale Prices for Seashells
Porceletta: 30 Bells
Sand Dollar: 60 Bells
Venus Comb: 150 Bells
Coral: 250 Bells
Conch: 350 Bells
Pearl Oyster: 450 Bells | Submitted by ChiHinChan
Saving rewards
Box of Tissues: 1,000,000 Bells
Pelly's Picture: 100,000,000 Bells
Phyllis' Picture: 500,000,000 Bells
Piggy Bank: 10,000,000 Bells
Town Hall Model: 999,999,999 Bells
Selling items
Sleepy Tortimer?
Snowman furniture
The Simpsons theme
^F_ _ ^A _ ^G _ ^D ^C _ _ ^A_ ^F_ ^D
The Legend Of Zelda theme
^A _ E _ _ ^A ^A ^B ^C ^D ^E _ _ Z Z Z
Super Mario Bros. theme
E E _ E _ C E _ ^G _ _ Z G ZZZ
Tom Nook's Home
Tom Nook's home
Tom Nook's store point rewards
300 PIM points: Nook's Cranny model and store membership
3,000 PIM points: Nook' n Go model and 5% discount
10,000 PIM points: Nookway model and 10% discount
20,000 PIM points: Nookington's model and 20% discount
Tom Nook's store progression
Nook's Cranny: Available at start.
Nook 'n Go: Buy 25,000 Bells worth of merchandise.
Nookway: Buy 65,000 Bells worth of merchandise.
Nookingtons: Buy 240,000 Bells worth of merchandise and have a visiting friend buy something from Tom Nook. Note: This version of the store includes a hair salon.
Tortimer reference
Tri Force!?
Fish trophy: Catch the biggest fish in the Fishing Tourney.
Flower trophy: Create the best garden in the Flower Fest.
Want more than one song
Weed Killer